We sat at our round booth table (they are so great for feeling like you are alone and the rest of the world is not there) and talked about how hard it is to have a special needs' child. We seem to always catch each other when one of us is down and the other is up. This is a good thing since we would be no good to each other if we were both down. Yesterday, I was the one "up" and she was the one "down."
As we talked about trying to do it all, I asked her what she did for herself. Her response was "Do my volunteer work." In addition to having a special needs child and a demanding 3-year old, she does extensive volunteer work. But I asked her again, "What do you do for YOU? What do you do to get quiet, shut out the world, and just BE?" And she didn't have a response.
I have found that spending just a few minutes a week being quiet--not reading, not researching, not ~GASP~ searching the internet--can make all the difference with my mind, body and spirit. I choose to take those very precious moments and meditate. I found some good CDs that taught me how to meditate, how to open my mind, my crown chakra, and now I can do it without the CDs. And I can do it for 10-20 minutes just a couple of times a week, and feel great. You might choose to enjoy your quiet time first thing in the morning, just before you got to bed, outdoors or with your pet(s), but if you're not doing SOMETHING, then you need to.
I would love to hear what you're doing to take care of you. And if you're not, why not start now? You're the only you you've got.
Julie I can really empathize with your friend. My only "me time" is when I'm working, which is just part time. And that's not really "me" time! Some weeks I'm 24/7 with the kids with little to no support. I love my kids, but I know I need to create that 'me' time. Step 1 so far has been to download podcasts & blogs to my ipod. Sounds weird, but by listening to them in the car I feel that I am freeing up some time during the day, or even just going to bed earlier. I'm focusing on creating small pockets of time that I can just do something for me.... even if it is while sitting next to the kids when they're playing.
ReplyDeleteTake care, Gail
Hi Gail, thanks for posting how "you take care of you." If it frees up some of your time, then it's a great idea!!